Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Israel National election

I landed in Israel on Feb. 11th, a day after the national election. Still many signs and bulletin boards about the elections. None of the three major parties emerged as a clear winner to achieve a majority (61 mandates) in this election. Kadima, Likud, and the Labor parties received 27, 26, and 10 mandates respectively, and it looks like Israel, again, will be forming a coalition government with the smaller, probably right-wing, parties. It is very likely that next Prime minister will be Bibi Netanyahu but it is hard to tell at this point. The parties are busy negotiating with prospective partners in order to form a government. Based on history, such coalition governments tend to be quite indecisive and do not last vary long. Bring back memories from our own elections in the year 2000. I'm attaching several pictures of election signs.

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